Don’t spend New Years Eve alone! Hop on one of our party chats for the best New Year’s festivities with hot people from all around the globe looking to get their talk on. Seriously, New Year’s Eve is one of our most popular party line nights.

From New York to California and beyond, the switchboards will be all a glow with sexy women and handsome men looking to talk the night away with like-minded individuals. Some may even hook up for a fun and free booty call if the mood strikes them!
With this New Year comes reflection and if there is something you want to change about yourself, now is the time to set that plan in motion. Some of the typical new years resolutions are exercise more, eat healthier, lose weight, get a new job and run a half marathon.
Why not set a resolution for yourself then turn to our party lines for advice on how to keep them? We have people from every walk of life and just about every profession calling in to talk and they are always up for doling out advice to fellow party line callers, so phone in and get the conversation started!
Our free trial chat line allow you to be the social entrepreneur you’ve always wanted to be. Give advice, get advice and make new friends from all over the globe. Feel free to blame us when your day-to-day social life begins to take on a more robust element to it.
Time and time again our callers have written in to tell us that their confidence has soared to new heights, thanks to our party line! So here is to a happy and health new year that is filled with amazing party chat conversations and real hot one on one phone line connections!